before and after…..

I thought I might post some before and after shots that might interest you.

The first was taken from a moving train in Beijing.  I spotted the buildings and thought they looked interesting.  The original shot is nothing special as you can see here.

I cropped a lot out of this image, converted to mono and added a second texture image for mood.  I also cloned out distracitng buildings and ended up with (what I think) looks like something from an old Eastern block country.

The second shot was also taken in Beijing at the Forbidden City.  The original has lots of distractions in it including people, light posts and tunnels.

First I converted the image into square format, removed the posts, people and tunnels, filled in the holes and added texture and colour layers to create some mood and atmosphere.

I enjoy reworking otherwise ordinary images, changing their original appearance to make them more appealing.

Both of the reworked images are available for purchase in the “image galleries” inside the “simple by design” and “urban art” galleries.

2011 calendar collection out now!

My 2011 calendar collection is complete and available for purchase.  There are 9 different themes to choose from or if you like, you can custom make your own from any of my images in the galleries.

They are priced at AU $26.95.  Orders of 10 or more will receive free shipping.

All calendars are printed on luscious 200gsm satin art paper and are A3 in size (that’s 297x420mm, or 11.69×16.54″)  They are wire bound with a loop for hanging.

Click on the images below to check the entire range.

Available at

All images and products copyright © Anthony Mancuso & Galleria Mancuso.

2010 puppy calendar added to the list!

I’ve just added a delightful doggie calendar featuring my Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in various stages from pups till now.  Figuring the eldest is not yet three, that’s not a long time but some classic and cute images there.

There are many other themes available as well.  See them here.

Plus a little bit of self promotion along with some bragging rights today.  I have been featured in the Australian Photographic Society’s Online November Newsletter, which goes out to all members of the Australian Photographic Society’s Contemporary Division.  What a huge thrill it was to have been asked and to contribute.  This is the second time I have been featured in an APS article, the first was when asked to contribute to the APS suppliment magazine, Image, some of my recent images of my trip to Beijing.

The images that were included can be seen here.

The article, including pictures and a bit about how I got into photography, plus a pretty bad photo of me.  The full newsletter can be read by clicking the link below.

Australian Photographic Society Feature

new work in photo gallery

These are my latest images in my gallery and are all available for purchase by clicking on the image.

breathing – white

breathing – black

These works and many more available at

new work in photo gallery

From my series on Chinese images, these miniature replica statues are of China’s famous Terracotta Army.  The original’s are life size and number around 8000. They were buried underground at the entrance of China’s first Emperor, Qinshihuang’s tomb to protect him in the afterlife.  They were modeled on actual citizens of the time and no two are the same.

“the warrior”

“the emperor’s army”

These two images compliment each other and are available for sale here.

latest image releases

“homeward bound” was taken along the Rye foreshore, Mornington Peninsula, Australia. It’s a group of eight pelicans heading home late afternoon. They crept up on me as I caught them out of the cornner of my eye. I had my auto focus turned on which wouldn’t lock onto anything due to the limited light and camera in manual mode so I pretty much had to hope for the best

 “the 25 steps” was taken near the Beijing section of the Great Wall of China last year when I was there with work for the Olympic Games. It’s about an hours drive out of Beijing, through rural town which are the size of cities! It was a misty and foggy day and I was annoyed that I wasn’t able to see the whole section of the wall but the atmosphere created by the mist and fog was amazing.

new images

Hi there, just letting you know I’ve added two new images to the galleries.  

is in “orient express”
red september...
red september...


is in “sky dancing”
Check them out.

new “exposed” section

As well as my new Mothers Day cards, I’ve decided to open up an interesting features section called “exposed” which was previously accessed only by members.  Inside are some images of my trip to Beijing, China last year, I show what went into making some of my layered images and I ask for your opinions on some works in progress.  Check it out and let me knnow what you think.

Don’t forget, if you would like to become a member it’s easy and free plus you’ll get 30% off your first purchase plus an ongoing 10% off everything else!  You’ll also be kept up to date with what’s happening at my site.

There’s also a section in the forums where you can link your own site!

China experience!

In 2008 I was sent to Beijing with work for the Olympics.  While I was there I was  able to take a look around the city during some free time.

beijing balloons
beijing balloons

For more of my china series, check out ORIENT EXPRESS on my website!